Studie zum Stand der Green Claims Directive
Die Green Claims Directive (GCD) ist eine gesetzgebende Maßnahme der EU, die falsche oder irreführende Werbung verhindern will, die den ökologischen Wandel behindern könnte (Ragonnaud, 2024). Unternehmen dürfen demnach nur dann kommerzielle Vorteile aus der Verwendung umweltfreundlicher Behauptungen ziehen, wenn diese überprüft und bestätigt wurden. Hintergrund der GCD war eine Studie der Europäischen Kommission nach der 53% der untersuchten Umweltaussagen (Green Claims) vage, irreführend und nicht mit ausreichend Informationen versehen waren. 40% der Umweltaussagen waren sogar völlig unbegründet (Ragonnaud, 2024). Eine aktuelle Studie von zeigt, dass nur gut 25 Prozenz von ingesamt 31 untersuchten Umweltaussagen konform mit den neuen Gesetzesvorlage für Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation sind. Die Studie stellen wir Ihnen gerne exklusiv zu Verfügung. Whitepaper anfragen

Effective customer experience management
In recent years, understanding and optimizing the customer experience (CX) has emerged as a decisive competitive advantage for companies in all industries. But what exactly is meant by the term, how can customer experience be measured and why does it play such a central role in a company's success?

Employees strengthen customer centricity
In recent years, customer centricity has evolved from an industry-specific buzzword to a fundamental business philosophy. At the heart of this philosophy are customers, whose satisfaction and positive experiences along the customer journey are crucial to a company's success. However, customer orientation begins long before direct interaction with the customer - it is rooted in the corporate culture and manifests itself through the commitment and identification of employees with their employers.

How can you measure employee satisfaction?
Employee satisfaction, or employee experience, is increasingly becoming a key success factor for companies. But how can employee satisfaction be measured and - one step back! - what actually makes employees really satisfied?

What is customer centricity?
The concept of customer centricity is intended to increase customer satisfaction and lead to a good experience during the purchasing process (customer experience). In contrast to conventional marketing and sales concepts, customer centricity does not focus primarily on the products or services, but rather on the people making the purchase.

Digitization as a driver of innovation?
In a recently published interview for the PR Journal, Prof. Dr. Christopher Morasch, Managing Director of, had an insightful conversation with Thomas Mickeleit, Chairman of the CommTech working group. The central topic was digitalization in the PR industry and the associated challenges and opportunities.