Employees strengthen customer centricity

Customer Centricity hat sich in den letzten Jahren von einem branchenspezifischen Schlagwort zu einer grundlegenden Geschäftsphilosophie entwickelt. Im Kern dieser Philosophie stehen die Kund:innen, deren Zufriedenheit und positive Erfahrungen entlang der Customer Journey entscheidend für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens sind. Doch Kundenorientierung beginnt weit vor der direkten Interaktion mit dem Kunden – sie wurzelt in […]

Digitization as a driver of innovation?

In a recently published interview for the PR Journal, Prof. Dr. Christopher Morasch, Managing Director of digitell.me, had an insightful conversation with Thomas Mickeleit, Chairman of the CommTech working group. The central topic was digitalization in the PR industry and the associated challenges and opportunities.

Sustainability communication: Call for participation in the study

How far can sustainability communication go when it comes to highlighting the benefits of a company's own products, procedures or processes while clearly distinguishing itself from greenwashing? The team led by digitell.me Managing Director Prof. Dr. Christopher Morasch is investigating this question as part of a recent study.