Connected to real People
We offer you access to survey participants in over 100 countries
Before joining our online access panel our panelists must confirm twice that they wish to register in the panel (double opt-in). We recruit our panelists through various channels and campaigns. Every panel member registers voluntarily and without being tempted to register by false promises. We continuously monitor the quality of each panelist in every survey. We check the identity, plausibility and responsiveness of our panel members. Via digital fingerprint we ensure the identity of each respondent.
Criteria for a Successful Online Panel Study
High Data Quality
Our panelists are regularly asked to update their profile data. In the event of poor response behavior or prolonged inactivity, the profiles of participants are deactivated.
Already during the field phase, all answers of the participants are adjusted according to qualitative characteristics.
Large Coverage
We adapt capacities of our panel to customers needs. If demand exceeds our own capacities, we recruit new panelists or step out to reliable partners. Detailed profile data of panel members enable the best possible sample selection and precise feasibility tests. By doing that we guarantee reliable target groups, worldwide in more than 100 countries.
Reliable Participants
Panelists are fairly incentiviced for their effort. We do not work with intransparent point systems or sweepstakes.
Our participants are actively invited to surveys or via email. Multiple participation is also excluded by cookies and comparison of IP address, email address and other variables.
We use our Panel exclusivley for Market Research Purposes

We set up your customized Panel
A customized panel usually consists of a selected group of existing customers. But other target groups may also be recruited to the panel, e.g. prospects.
Customer panels usually focus on repeated surveys of the same target group. They are suitable for all areas of customer experience, such as customer satisfaction surveys or customer service evaluations, but also for product experience and price analysis.
Customer panels are important market research instruments, especially for companies for which it is generally difficult to invite customers to take part in surveys. These include companies that operate in the b2b sector. Furthermore, customer panels are often implemented and used in the field of consumer goods. We advise our customers conceptually on the creation of their own customer panel and subsequently take over all services of the set up:
- Panel setup and installation
- Panel recruitment
- anel maintenance and control
- Invitation to surveys
- Creation of reports and dashboards
- Activity index and participant behavior reports
Our Market Research Services - customized or out of the Box
Brand Experience
Product Experience
Price Analysis
Communication Analysis
Target Group Analysis
Market Research
We provide first class support throughout all stages of your survey: from survey conception to data analysis.

Data Collection
You invite participants to your survey yourself or we recruit your target group via our Online Access Panel.
Through our panel we can provide survey participants in over 15 countries.
Through our partner network, we have access to survey participants from over 100 countries.

We specify the questions for your market research project and provide questionnaire templates or develop a bespoke questionnaire for your research project.
We help you to define your specific target group.

Get real-time results through our online reporting. Create, share and send reports.
Our Customer Success Team carries out in-depth analyses with your data and prepares meaningful reports in PowerPoint or any other format.