Ihre Schnittstelle zur Verbindung mit anderen Systemen

digitell RemoteControl
is a XML-RPC/JSON-RPC based web service which offers various API functions.
This API makes it possible for developers to control specific functionality of digitell from any other application, without being restricted to PHP as a programming language.
digitell uses the same security measures as the normal administration login. That means that the permission set of the used username and password is the same as if you would login in the administration with that user/password. Also digitell is protected against brute-force password cracking – like the normal administration login.
How to use the digitell-API
The basic URL is: http:////index.php/admin/remotecontrol
digitell fully complies to the XML-RPC specification and JSON-RPC version 1 specifications. We recommend in general to use JSON-RPC because it is well tested and has a much smaller footprint than XML-RPC.
digitell offers a lot of functions. Please check the automatically generated API Documentation. digitell offers the following functions:
Using this function you can create a new XML/JSON-RPC session key. This is mandatory for all following function calls.

Parameter | Description |
username | The username used for connexion |
password | The password used for connexion |
plugin | The Auth plugin to be used |
Using this function you can close a previously opened XML-RPC/JSON-RPC session.

Parameter | Description |
sSessionKey | Auth credentials |
Return: Always ‚OK‘ (string)
All functions including descriptions can be found at our developers API Page
Tipps & Tricks zur API
- Integrationen sind in der Regel bei fortlaufenden Umfragen hilfreich (Ongoing-Befragungen)
- Automatisierte Aussendungen sind immer am „Point of Interest“ und steigern somit die Rücklaufquoten Ihrer Umfragen
- Versuchen Sie so viele Prozesse wie möglich via API zu automatisieren, um Zeit zu sparen und Fehler zu minimieren